They Say Step One is Admitting You Have a Problem

My name is Megan, and I am an addict. I have had this addiction for quite a while now, and I guess at this point it’s time to admit that it is probably never going to go away. My addiction has ebbed and flowed over the years, but I have to say that I am currently in the midst of full blown addiction. I deal with this addiction every day. It can get bad at night, and weekends are even worse. This is rock bottom. They say step one is admitting you have a problem, so here I am declaring it to the world.  I have a problem, and I am fully admitting it.

Now before you go calling A &E to set up an intervention, I guess I should tell you that what I am addicted to is perfectly legal. To fill my addiction I don’t have to break the law, go to any dangerous sketchy place in the middle of the night, or spend an arm and leg to fill my need. Even though it does cost me more money per year than I (or my mother for instance) would like to admit, I won’t be arrested anytime soon for my addiction, though I will probably wonder where all my money went. Some of you are already aware that I have this addiction, as I have had it for quite some time now. It is quite obvious it takes up a good part of my life. Some of you have even fed this addiction over time, but no blame or shame can be put on your shoulders. The true blame falls on me, and now the time has come to fully expose myself to the world, and proclaim what I have known for years.

I am addicted to books.

While I may admit my introduction to my addiction could be a tad more serious than it needed to be, the sentiment is still the same. For as long as I can remember I have loved books. I lovingly refer to the book store as my mecca. (And before you ask, I have actually said that out loud to multiple people in public places besides the book store) I have also spent more money than I am willing to admit on buying books. Let’s just say that inside of a good book is where I love to spend some time. For the record, let it be noted that when I say “some time” I really mean a crap ton of time, to the point that I have actually lost weight before because getting up to eat meant I had to stop reading. But don’t you worry, that has only happened a few times, and when I say a few I actually mean more times than I’d like to admit.

So what have we deduced so far, besides that I have a “slight” problem? I love to read. It is one of my biggest passions. Anyone who knows me knows that I can read, or talk about the books I read all day every day. If you think that is even a minor exaggeration ask me about a book I have read, or one that I am reading. I. Dare. You.

Finally we have come to the point where I explain the purpose of the proclamation of my book addiction. As I have previously stated about 45 times by now, I love books and reading, and in the never ending search to continue discussing the books I read, I decided to start this blog. My goal for this blog is simple. I want a new outlet to discuss the books I am currently reading, and maybe even a few I have already read, but can’t seem to let out of my mind. I also hope this blog will serve as a way for me to recommend books to others, as I truly think good books need to be shared with the world IMMEDIATELY. (Just ask those close to me, because I have frequently called them out of the blue demanding they read a book ASAP)

Thus, to save you all hours of my endless talking about books day in and day out in person, I decided that I should take to the internet and spread my thoughts to the World Wide Web. (Or the few friends and family members who may actually read this blog. Clearly I have very high expectations.) I will admit that this is my first real attempt at blogging, but I figured I would give it my very best try. Let’s be honest though, this just gives me another way to keep talking about something I love, and God knows I so enjoy doing that.

Whether or not the whole word or just my crazy band of merry book reader friends see this blog, I truly hope that these posts will bring about some great discussions about the many fantastic books out there today. That last sentence can essentially be translated into this: I hope to use this blog as a means to spread my book addiction to the world in a way that does not require an actual intervention in a conference room at the local Clarion Inn.

I have said it before, and I will say it again. My name is Megan, and I am addicted to books. It is an all too consuming problem, and I am admitting it freely here and now. They say the first step is admitting you have a problem. Well I have done that, and the time has come to accept my addiction.  Book addiction is not to be taken lightly, but when done correctly it is the best kind of addiction to have. Let me be clear that while I may be acknowledging here that I have a problem, it in no way means I am going to stop with my addiction.

You should join me on my path of addiction. It’s one hell of a ride, but so totally worth it.

I am a book addict. This is what book addiction looks like. Not so bad, right?

I am a book addict. This is what book addiction looks like. Not so bad though, right?

17 thoughts on “They Say Step One is Admitting You Have a Problem

  1. I share in your addiction! My 2013 New Years Resolution was to cut down on my TBR shelf. I had an entire bookshelf of unread books. They were collected over about ten years and I was buying faster than I was reading. I resolved to not buy or acquire any new books in 2013 and read what I have on the shelf. The only exception was books on my Kindle for my summer vacation. I’ve stuck to it and given away the books as soon as they are read. I love books too, but I am on the path to reading, not just hoarding! Although admittedly, my amazon wish list has exploded in 2013, as I go into a bookstore and list what I want instead of just buying it.

    • I think I have made that resolution too many times to count. Good for you that you stuck with it!! Yay! I am attempting to at least significantly decrease the amount of books in this basket over the next few months. I am optimistic in nature, but I’d be lying if I said I thought I’d actually finish all those books before I bought more! 🙂

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