The Book Addict

As I have proclaimed about 100 times on this blog, I am a book addict.

(In my mind, every time I write that I swear I can picture myself standing at a random podium at some kind of meeting for book addicts. If only, if only….)

I figured I could use this page to tell you all a little more about my crazy ass self, and maybe even a little more about my self proclaimed book addiction.

My name is Megan, I’m a thirty something, glass half full kind of person (at least on most days), and I always try to find the best in anyone or anything.

Yea....I'm a little out there. (But only in the best possible way!)

Yea….I’m a little out there. (But only in the best possible way!)

Some random fun facts about me that I’ll throw in just for fun because I’m sure you’re dying to know how weird & crazy I am:

  • I can quote just about every line from a multitude of movies including, but not limited to: Dazed and Confused, Empire Records, Mean Girls, Something Borrowed, and Pitch Perfect. (That list continues with so many more movies.)
  • I fell asleep at least once in every class I ever took in high school, including swimming & life guarding and band class. (Clearly this is a skill I added to my resume.)
  • I am a quote lover/addict, and have a book filled to the brim with quotes I have found, written down, and/or heard.
  • I tend to drive my car with one leg propped up on my dashboard. (What can I say?… I’m flexible.)
  • The speed and animation with which I talk is usually described as being similar to that of a Furby.
  • Sarcasm is one of my closest friends. No, really…
  • My go to party trick is to touch my tongue to my nose.
  • I can nurse a large cup of coffee all day. And I mean all day. Like over ten hours. (I don’t know if I should be repulsed or proud of that one.)
  • I will drive in 100 degree weather with the windows down despite the fact that my car has air conditioning. Old habits die hard on that one.

I currently reside in a random town south of Washington D.C. Despite wishing I were Carrie Bradshaw by now, I still live in the very same house I’ve lived in all my life. Hopefully one day that will change. Preferably before I start collecting Social Security. (Keeping my fingers crossed on that one!) At some point I hope to relocate myself somewhere warmer and smidge more exciting, but for now home is where my heart is.

A look into my crazy and wonderfully ridiculous life:

For as long as I can remember I have always loved reading, and there is rarely a day that goes by that I don’t pick up a book and read. The bookshelf in my room is currently overflowing with the many books that I love, and I’m honestly surprised that the shelves haven’t buckled yet. That bookshelf has also quadrupled its value at least twice since I’ve begun adding books to it.

As you could probably tell from the title of this blog, I have a real never ending book basket full of books I am dying to read. I have had this basket since I started college, where I began collecting more books than I could read. I think I moved that book basket with me at least 8 times in and out of my dorm, and I have yet to see the bottom of it since I bought it.

This is 1 of my bookshelves. (You'll notice my never ending book basket is ridiculously overflowing next to the bookshelf..).

This is 1 of my bookshelves. (You’ll notice my never ending book basket is ridiculously overflowing next to the bookshelf..).

I won’t even bring up the fact that I have a separate list of books that I want to buy at some point, in addition to that basket.

Clearly we can deduce at this point that books are kind of my thing.

If you were to ask those closest to me, they may say I have a slight “problem”, but they’re really just a bunch of hypocrites because they all read as much as I do. (Love you guys!) Not to mention they are all to blame in some way, since every one of them has seen me buy a book or five, and not one of them has ever said “You shouldn’t get that.”

During the day you’ll find me spending my hours molding the minds of the tiny humans. When I don’t actually have my head in a book (which does occasionally happen for the record) I love to have amazing adventures, and savor my drink of choice: coffee. Book in one hand, coffee mug in the other. Add in a comfy chair, and I’m done for the day.

Some of my interests outside of reading include photography, hanging out with anyone who can stand my company and craziness, writing down what I consider to be amazing stories, watching a plethora

My own little reading paradise.

My own little reading paradise.

of tantalizing movies, and making amazing/fun/out of this world memories. I also love connecting with others, which is a major part of why I created this blog. I love talking about books, and pretty much anything else with anyone who’ll listen to me. I especially love making connections through books because I think books can really bring us together if we let them. I know I have definitely made some great connections to fellow readers, writers, and even some authors through reading, and I wouldn’t trade that for the world!

So there you have it.

A little more information than you bargained for I’m sure, but nonetheless the writing above is me in a nutshell. I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about me, and I promise to try and make the posts on The Never Ending Book Basket just like this: filled to the brim with vibrancy, yet still containing everything you might (and might not) want to know!

Thank you for taking the time to explore my blog, and I hope you find your trip into my craziness and book addiction well worth it! Happy Reading!

Be sure to like The Never Ending Book Basket on Facebook, so that you can stay up to date on all the posts!